**If you have been summoned as a GRAND JUROR (green summons/not yellow) no postponements are granted without prior approval. If you feel you have a reason you cannot serve, please email Abby.Carter@gwinnettcounty.com.**
Juror Inquiry/Recording 770-822-7170
Juror Fax 770-822-8569
Juror Email jurorinfo@gwinnettcounty.com
No one is exempt from jury service because of his job, race, religion, gender, national orgin, or economic status.
All requests must be submitted no later than seven days prior to your week of jury service.
Upon completion of the proper affidavit, certain exemptions and deferments are allowed.
Original affidavits must be mailed seven days prior to your service date to: Attention: Jury Division
75 Langley Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
All other documents must be sent by mail, fax, or e-mail and must be received seven days prior to your service week.