
OpenResume is a powerful open-source resume builder and resume parser.

The goal of OpenResume is to provide everyone with free access to a modern professional resume design and enable anyone to apply for jobs with confidence.

⚒️ Resume Builder

OpenResume’s resume builder allows user to create a modern professional resume easily.

It has 5 Core Features:


🔍 Resume Parser

OpenResume’s second component is the resume parser. For those who have an existing resume, the resume parser can help test and confirm its ATS readability.

You can learn more about the resume parser algorithm in the “Resume Parser Algorithm Deep Dive” section.

📚 Tech Stack

Category Choice

📁 Project Structure

OpenResume is created with the NextJS web framework and follows its project structure. The source code can be found in src/app . There are a total of 4 page routes as shown in the table below. (Code path is relative to src/app )

Page Route

💻 Local Development

  1. Download the repo git clone
  2. Change the directory cd open-resume
  3. Install the dependency npm install
  4. Start a development server npm run dev
  5. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to see OpenResume live