Alcoholic Beverage License

The Cobb County Business License Office is open Monday thru Friday, 8:00AM - 5:00PM. We take our last payment at 4:30PM.

You may reach us by calling 770-528-8410.

Obtaining a New Alcoholic Beverage License

Any individual, partnership, corporation or entity which engages in the sale of alcohol with the objective of gain, profit, benefit, or advantage in the unincorporated area of Cobb County must obtain a Cobb County Alcoholic Beverage License for each of its locations in Cobb County prior to engaging in these activities.

A Cobb County Business License pertains to business activity only in unincorporated Cobb County, not within city limits. Mailing addresses are not always indicative of the jurisdiction where licenses should be obtained. Contact the specific city or the Cobb County Business License Division at (770) 528-8410 for assistance in determining the jurisdiction where the license should be obtained.

An application must also be filed with the Georgia Department of Revenue Alcohol Unit to obtain a State Alcoholic Beverage License. A state license cannot be processed until the county Alcoholic Beverage License has been obtained.

All businesses with a county Alcoholic Beverage License, pouring and package, are required to pay an annual Federal Special Tax to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

*New applications within 600 feet of a church, school, park ,or library or 300 feet of a private residence must be approved by the License Review Board and Board of Commissioners which will take 12-16 weeks.

To apply for a Cobb County Alcoholic Beverage License, you may download an application and schedule a mandatory appointment. Only completed applications will be accepted.

Alcoholic Beverage License Information

Schedule an Appointment

Applications are accepted by appointment only.

Cobb County Business License Division
1150 Powder Springs Rd. Suite 400
Marietta, GA 30064
(770) 528-8410

Applications and payments accepted from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

To schedule an Appointment:

Regulated Licensing
(770) 528-8691

No Alcoholic Beverage License applications will be accepted after 4:00 p.m. Appointments are required. The application and all attachments must be legibly printed in black or blue ink.

Licensee/Substitute Licensee must be at least 25 years of age.

The Application

The application includes:


Additional Required Documents: