How to find property sales information

Learn how you can access property sales information and data with our online tools and services.

On this page

The Valuer General of NSW is an independent statutory officer that sets and oversees the valuation of land in NSW. Value NSW manages and supports this valuation system.

Together, we help ensure fair and accurate land valuations in NSW.

How we use property sales data

Property sales are the most important factor valuers consider when valuing land.

NSW property sales information comes from Notices of Sale lodged with Land Registry Services

Property sales search tool

You can access this information using our property search tools.

Use this property sales search tool to access detailed information. You can search for suburb, street, or individual property sales dating back to 2001.

Use this guide to help you find property sales information:

Search by suburb/street Search by property number

You can also search by property number:

Finding your property number

You can find your property number:

Bulk property sales information

You can use the bulk property sales information service to download bulk property sales data since 1990.

Benchmark component report

You can use your property number to produce a benchmark component report. The report shows the sales the valuer used to value the benchmark properties in your component.

Valuation sales report

You can also use your property number to produce a valuation sales report. This report shows some of the sales that valuers considered during the valuation process. The report includes:

Valuation sales reports are not available for individual strata units as we value strata schemes as a whole site. You can produce a report for the whole strata scheme, but you will need the strata scheme property number to do this.

The land values and property sales map

Property sales are available on the land values and property sales map as a joint initiative of the Valuer General and Spatial Services. You can use this interactive map to explore land values and property sale prices across NSW.

You can access sales information for: