English Placement Test

The English Placement Test (EPT) at Kwantlen Polytechnic University is a tool that assists in placing students into the appropriate English courses. The test is used only for diagnostic purposes and is not graded on a pass/fail basis. Students who write the test will be mailed a copy of the detailed comment sheet filled out by a member of the English faculty who is currently reviewing the tests. This comment sheet indicates the recommended course placement. Course placement recommendations are intended to help students succeed by ensuring that they are taking courses commensurate with their current abilities.

Although any student may write the EPT, students who have already met prerequisites for English courses through other means (see a Kwantlen Calendar or speak with a Kwantlen Academic Advisor https://kpu.ca/advising/advisor-connect are not required to write the test.

Test Format:

Additional Information:
The EPT is a 2 hour test. Students may write the EPT once each academic semester.

For more information on the EPT, please click: EPT Info. Sheet

To book the EPT Test, please go to kpu.ca/testing

Click on the 'Book A Test' button under the campus location (Surrey or Tech (Cloverdale) or Richmond) you want to write your EPT test at.

Assessment & Testing Services: "Opening Doors to Student Success"